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  • Writer's pictureLawrence Harrison

What to think about before hiring a photographer

Whether its your personal brand or your business images are key to creating content that connects, but once you have made the decision to hire one you need to find the right one for you. Here is a helpful list of things to think about when looking for a photographer.

1. A clear project idea

The clearer idea of what you would like the final project to look like, the easier it will be for the photographer to execute your plan. It is as simple as that.

For example, if you want images for your product you will have more success with five or more images of each item so three pack shot images and two still life images.

For this scenario knowing the number of images will allow the photographer to cost the project quicker and make it clearer for them to action.

But if the project is more creative, having a examples of styles or even ideas of how the final project could look, will allow the photographer to know what you are after and why, it will also allow you to find a photographer that matches that style which leads me to …

2. What is their niche?

The most important thing to consider before working with a photographer is their expertise, quite simply you will want to work with a photographer that has worked in your area before, they’ll know how to make subtle tweaks based on what has worked before but also what works for you.

Also there is a huge difference between types of photography if you have a clothing brand you will want someone with pack shot and fashion experience, if you have a food brand you want someone who has shot food before as the two are completely different skill sets.


That said its not uncommon to find someone with experience in different areas, an easy way to check what areas the photographer works in is to check over their work either on Instagram, Facebook or their website don’t be afraid to ask to see more work in a certain area.

Checking the style of photography is also important if you have a bright colourful product or promotion you, do not want to hire someone who works in your area but often makes images in a completely different style.

4. Web, Print, Social

Knowing where the photos are going is massively important to you and you might not even think about it, but if the images are going on a website they need to be delivered in certain formats and often in different formats, especially if they are product images.

If the images are going to be printed, they need to be in the CMYK profile rather than RGB which is for digital.

A good photographer will know all of this and deliver accordingly but having knowledge of where you need the images for will make sure they deliver the images in the correct formats.

This leads me to the most modern change in photography and image production, which is delivery for social media.

Most social images work better in the mobile formats, which are in 1:1 or 4:3 format, the last thing you want is to have paid for a photographer then have to alter the images yourself, there’s nothing worse than paying for a fantastic set of images that you either can’t use on social media or you end up cutting half of yourself out of.

5. Compare costs

The cost of a photo shoot depends on so many different things, including time, experience, studio hire, even travel.

Try to get 3 to 5 quotes from different photographers and judge them on the points above and try to account for hidden charges The photographer may not include the cost of a flash drive, prints, editing, or other extras so it is best to ask about it in advance.

The budget is mostly decided by considering the following points:

· Experience

· Level of editing

· Time

· Type of shoot

· Equipment required

· Staff required

· Number of extras included (props, prints etc)

If you follow the above five points you will find a fantastic photographer, who meets your needs, style and budget giving yourself brilliant images for your business or brand.

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